Canine Joint Plus - Field Trial Results

We got real dog owners to trial our canine joint care supplement on their dogs. The joint health results speak volumes.

A 7 week vet-assisted Field Trial was conducted in May 2021. All data was examined and calculated by an independent scientist.

Canine Joint Plus is a blend of high-quality compounds designed to support canine joint health to improve your dog's comfort and performance. Based on this study, our participants identified several benefits of Canine Joint Plus.

Dogs of various breeds, ages, and health status were assessed over the 7 weeks to determine the effectiveness of our supplement for dog joint health. Each dog owner was unaware if they were given a placebo (non-active supplement) or Canine Joint Plus to avoid unconscious bias when assessing their dog's performance, general mood, compliance in training, and lameness. Each dog was under no other treatment (supplement or otherwise) to ensure all results were based solely on the benefits of our formula.

Performance & Lameness changes with Canine Joint Plus

Over the Trial Study period, 82% of canine participants showed an improvement in performance as judged by their owners. Placebo group participants saw no overall improvement from baseline reading.

Reducing outward signs of discomfort is the first assessment for the success of our formula. Lameness status is a good prognosis for the improvement of your canines’ joint health and well-being. Throughout the 7-week treatment period with Canine Joint Plus, 86% of dogs showed a reduction in lameness score. No improvements were observed for the placebo group.

Compliance & Mood changes with Canine Joint Plus

The ability to accept commands and follow directions is an important aspect of various canine activities and sports. Over our 7-week Field Trial of Canine Joint Plus, 37% of participants judged that they saw an increase in trainability in their canine partners.

Mood and general emotional status can be powerful measures for canine wellbeing and health. Improvements to the dogs' mood over the 7 weeks were assessed to determine the impact of our Canine Joint plus formula. After the 7-week treatment period, 36% of the dog owners reported a drastic improvement in mood.

The overall mood within the placebo group who did not receive the canine joint supplement was seen to decrease over the Trial period.

Vet-Supervised Field Trial

Results Speak for Themselves

After completing our 7-week Field Trial of our canine joint care supplement, Canine Joint Plus, the participating dog owners reported results that make us confident that you will also be very happy with this joint health product for your dog.

The dogs who recieved our joint care supplement showed, on average, a substantial improvement in all four areas of investigation: Performance, Train-Ability (compliance in training), Emotional State (mood) and Lameness assessment.

These improvements were not observed within the group of dogs who got the placebo instead of the canine joint care product.