Canine Joint Plus Supplement for Dogs
5 products
5 products
Help your dog enjoy life more with a great canine joint supplement designed to support joint health in dogs. Tasty and easy to feed, our joint supplement for dogs is created using only premium canine joint care ingredients, with zero fillers. Formulated by a canine physio with the assistance of vets and produced in an APVMA & GMP-approved facility, our Aussie-made canine joint care supplement contains 5 key ingredients for joint health: Glucosamine, Chondroitin, Hyaluronic acid, MSM and Vitamin C, and delivered great results in a vet-supervised field study.
The results of our 7 Week Field Trial on our joint health product for dogs, Canine Joint Plus, showed that on average group of dogs who were fed the joint health supplement daily exhibited a substantial improvement in all four areas being assessed: